If it's your first time at Foresight, you're our honored guest.
We understand showing up at a new place for the first time can be nerve-wracking, so here's more information about Foresight and what you can expect.

Sundays 9:00am
Cnr N14 & Beyers Naude Drive, Muldersdrift.
We have safe and secure parking.
A Place For The Whole Family

JAM City is our Children’s Church—a space where you can entrust your kids to a team committed to teaching them about Jesus. Here, your children will enjoy music, Bible teaching, and playtime with their peers, allowing you some time to enjoy the church service too.(For kids aged 3 – Grade 7)
Jesus and Me - an interactive space for your kids

We understand that belonging is an important aspect of adolescent development, which is why Impact Teens exists. Bring your teens along and let them plug in with their peers as they explore their faith and grow together.
Impact Teens - a space for young hearts

Our Mom and Toddler room was created with parents of young tots in mind. We have soft toys, bikes, and a nappy change area in a cozy space fitted with a live feed of the service. Here, moms and dads can keep an eye on their little ones while also enjoying as much of the service as possible.
Mom and Toddler room